Landing Spotlight – Port Charcot

A fantastic spot for viewing the ‘iceberg graveyard’, Port Charcot is a bay we visit on the north-western arm of Booth Island on the Antarctic Peninsula. If we are able to make landfall in Port Charcot, we Zodiac to the rocky shore, then hike up the gentle slope to view historical sites from the Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration.
Port Charcot was the overwintering site of the French Antarctic Expedition, commanded by Jean-Baptiste Charcot from 1903 through 1905. At this Antarctic site you’ll discover the wreck of a tender and a cairn with wooden pillar and plaque (where you can still make out the names of the first expedition members who wrote them down almost 120 years ago!). Look for the remains of a stone built magnetic hut, used for astronomical observations, and an array of other artefacts.
Here you’ll love spotting the many Gentoo Penguins as well as keeping a look out for Adélie and Chinstrap Penguins. You can also keep a look out for seabirds like Kelp Gulls, Skuas, Snowy Sheathbills, Blue-Eyed Shags and Wilson’s Storm Petrels. There’s a good chance you’ll likely see Fur Seals and Weddell Seals hauled out on the sea ice, and there has been sightings of Leopard Seals here as well.
Some of the highlights you will experience on a visit to Port Charcot Are:
- Stunning views towards Pléneau Island, overlooking ‘the iceberg graveyard’
- Artefacts and notable sites from the Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration
- A Gentoo Penguin Colony
- Other potential penguin species spotting
- An array of seals and seabirds
Interested in Visiting the Antarctic Peninsula?
With incredible views and wildlife spotting opportunities, Port Charcot at Booth Island is an exciting landing site and one that we can often accomplish on our voyages. If you are interested in visiting the Antarctic Peninsula please speak with our team. Once you are onboard, your Expedition Leader will work with the crew and if weather and planning allow, you may be lucky enough to visit here.